Roz, Retired St Gemma’s Nurse
India, Daughter of Karen, Hospice Patient
Jean, Member of the Carers’ Group and Barry, Day Services Drop-In Patient
Sister John Vianney, One of the Founding Sisters
Sonia, Housekeeper
Ernie, Hospice Patient
Brenda, Healthcare Assistant
Ann, Day Hospice Patient
Kathleen, Shop Manager at Harehills since 1984
Wilhelmina, Day Hospice Patient and Norma, her daughter
Janet, Volunteer Gardener
David, Volunteer Van Driver
Daxa, Accessed Bereavement Support
Evie, Accessed St Gemma’s Young Peoples’ Service
Reggie, Son of Josie, Hospice Patient
Hilary, Hospice Patient and Susanne, Her Daughter
Milly, Therapy Dog and Heather, Owner
Ronnie, Hospice Patient
Satwant, Spiritual Care Volunteer
Maria, Community Patient and Nicky, St Gemma’s Community Nurse Specialist